[Erp5-dev] ERP5 Handbook announcement and cooperation invitation
Łukasz Nowak
2007-03-16 17:47:24 UTC

We are proud to announce recently started project:

"ERP5 Handbook"


Our goal is to create a "real book" about ERP5 which would be used by
beginners and semi-advanced users as a guide.

Idea of creating ERP5 Handbook has its roots on polish ERP5 conference.
Attenders wanted to have access to comprehensive ERP5 guide, and after
looking for one without success, a decision of creating ERP5 Handbook
had been made.

We invite you to cooperate on ERP5 Handbook to make it default, official
and publicly available ERP5 guide. Some of ERP5 wiki pages could be
extended and added to ERP5 Handbook. On the other hand, it is possible,
that some sections of the book wont't be "book adaptable", so shall go
into wiki. We hope, that wiki and book will provide good enough set of
information about ERP5 system to developers (core and external), users
and contributors.

Any suggestions about ERP5 Handbook are welcome - from direct
contributions on wikipages, discussions about Handbook (which might be
hosted on erp5-dev mailing list), proof-reading and checking if guide
corresponds with reality.

On behalf of the founding body,
Luke Nowak
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
2007-03-16 19:15:00 UTC
Nice innitiative!
from direct contributions on wikipages, discussions about Handbook (which
might >be
hosted on erp5-dev mailing list), proof-reading and checking if guide
corresponds with reality.
I can help on proof-reading. Also we (I and Monnerat) wrote an article on
ERP5 Design Patterns that maybe will fit somewhere. Actually this article
will be submited to EIT Software
(http://www.iee.org/Publish/Journals/Profjourn/Proc/sen/) and as a series of
small articles in http://pattern.ijop.org/
Talking about this, I am member of the editorial board of IJOP, if you guys
want to submmit anything related to patterns, inside ERP5 or not, tell me.
Bye for now,
Prof. Rog?rio Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Graduation & Research Coordinator
Information Systems Research Group Coordinator
CEFET Campos

''O remetente desta mensagem ? o respons?vel pelo seu conte?do e
endere?amento. A utiliza??o deste meio para fins que n?o aqueles
dispostos na Portaria n? 267, de 20 de outubro de 2003 da Dire??o
Geral do CEFET CAMPOS, ? pass?vel das san??es cab?veis, dispostas
nas normas internas para utiliza??o de correio eletr?nico e acesso
? Internet.''
Servidor de E-mail CEFET Campos
2007-03-16 21:16:11 UTC
Post by Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
Nice innitiative!
from direct contributions on wikipages, discussions about Handbook (which
might >be
hosted on erp5-dev mailing list), proof-reading and checking if guide
corresponds with reality.
I can help on proof-reading. Also we (I and Monnerat) wrote an article on
ERP5 Design Patterns that maybe will fit somewhere.
This would be wonderful. Actually, the feedback I got from a number of
prospect clients was that it was exactly the ERP5 basic design that
attracted them to it - the fact that ERP5 is not a system which "just
works", but that it has a solid theoretical foundation. And the people I
meeet want to know more about it. So I think it'd be great for marketing
to publish as much info about it as possible.

Post by Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
Actually this article
will be submited to EIT Software
(http://www.iee.org/Publish/Journals/Profjourn/Proc/sen/) and as a series of
small articles in http://pattern.ijop.org/
Talking about this, I am member of the editorial board of IJOP, if you guys
want to submmit anything related to patterns, inside ERP5 or not, tell me.
Bye for now,
Prof. Rog?rio Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Graduation & Research Coordinator
Information Systems Research Group Coordinator
CEFET Campos
''O remetente desta mensagem ? o respons?vel pelo seu conte?do e
endere?amento. A utiliza??o deste meio para fins que n?o aqueles
dispostos na Portaria n? 267, de 20 de outubro de 2003 da Dire??o
Geral do CEFET CAMPOS, ? pass?vel das san??es cab?veis, dispostas
nas normas internas para utiliza??o de correio eletr?nico e acesso
? Internet.''
Servidor de E-mail CEFET Campos
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
Vincent Pelletier
2007-03-17 09:46:02 UTC
First of all, it's a very nice work !
On the other hand, it is possible, that some sections of the book wont't
be "book adaptable", so shall go into wiki.
I'm thinking the other way around. I think wikibook is to wiki pages what
wiki pages are compared to discussion pages : one formal level of maturity
My idea about this is more like "electing" ("promoting", whatever) pages from
the "normal" wiki to enter the wikibook, centralising the work on the wiki
and still having the distinction between being-worked-on pages and a "final"
version of needed.

Maybe am I thinking too much the branching (or tagging) development way.
proof-reading and checking if guide corresponds with reality.
Here I must mention the user-interface page which is very well done.
Vincent Pelletier
Jean-Paul Smets
2007-03-17 11:15:44 UTC

Nice initiative.

I remember I tried to do the same about 5 years ago and it failed because
writing doc is one thing, maintaining it accuraltely is another. This is
why we ended up with a large collection of Howto in erp5.org. Developers
who are focused on their customer projects sometimes read and update
Howtos. They seldom read and update introductory handbooks. This is why
Howtos are easier to get maintained than handbooks.

Here are my recommendation if you plan to make this more official.

1- turn every chapter into a HOWTO and publish it at in the appropriate page
of erp5.org. I think for example that the page about ERP5 user interface is
a good user HOWTO about erp5 UI. By doing this, you will get developer

2- replace the hacker guide in erp5.org by a new ERP5 Guide which provides a
short introduction about different parts of ERP5 and then brings the user
to the appropriate Howto page. This is the guide which beginners will start
from. It should be as compact as possible because this is not a document a
developer is likely to maintain.

3- create a moin moin extension which compiles pages of the Wiki into an
Openoffice or docboook document. This will be the official handbook.

By following this approach, I believe it is possible to progress towards a
document which is as accurate and useful as, for example, the SAMBA Howto
and Reference Guide.


Post by Łukasz Nowak
"ERP5 Handbook"
Our goal is to create a "real book" about ERP5 which would be used by
beginners and semi-advanced users as a guide.
Idea of creating ERP5 Handbook has its roots on polish ERP5 conference.
Attenders wanted to have access to comprehensive ERP5 guide, and after
looking for one without success, a decision of creating ERP5 Handbook
had been made.
We invite you to cooperate on ERP5 Handbook to make it default, official
and publicly available ERP5 guide. Some of ERP5 wiki pages could be
extended and added to ERP5 Handbook. On the other hand, it is possible,
that some sections of the book wont't be "book adaptable", so shall go
into wiki. We hope, that wiki and book will provide good enough set of
information about ERP5 system to developers (core and external), users
and contributors.
Any suggestions about ERP5 Handbook are welcome - from direct
contributions on wikipages, discussions about Handbook (which might be
hosted on erp5-dev mailing list), proof-reading and checking if guide
corresponds with reality.
On behalf of the founding body,
Luke Nowak
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel. +33(0)6 62 05 76 14
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Libre / Open Source Software
ERP5: Libre/ Open Source ERP Software for small and medium companies
Rentalinux: Desktop Linux Server