[Erp5-dev] erp5_core split: how to safely upgrade
Pelletier Vincent
2007-01-10 12:47:05 UTC

I'll commit very soon a erp5_core update which will remove the included
catalog. This mail is intended to provide as much information as possible on
how to update a site to this new version.

First, make sure your products are up-to-date. If not, you will not be able to
install the new catalog business template or you will be able to upgrade
erp5_core without any catalog installed - which results in a catalog-less
site which won't work - , or the installed catalog will be in an unusable
state - not configured properly.

Then, make sure you have installed the latest version of an erp5_*_catalog
business template. They can be found in ERP5/bootstrap.
If you want to reuse your existing catalog, use erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog.

Now that you have a catalog business template installed, you can update
erp5_core. Once installed, the normal interface of your sitewon't work any
more (so you won't be able to see the usual "Status changed." web page), but
don"t panic.

Got to portal_catalog in the ZMI (typically
If erp5_mysql still exists, it means that a business template (or you :) )
installed additionnal ZSQL Methods, so you should manually move/copy them to
the other sql catalog (erp5_mysql_innodb if you installed
Then go to the "properties" tab, change the default catalog to the other sql
catalog id, and save.

Note that you *must* save, even if the value was already selected : it was not
actually set on the portal_catalog object.

Now your site should be back working. If your erp5_core version was old before
updating and the ZSQL Methods were changed significantly since that version,
you might have to clear the catalog & reindex your site as explained below.

Of course, if you chose another catalog storage backend, you must clear the
catalog ("advanced" tab on portal_catalog object) and reindex your site
(calling ERP5Site_reindexAll). You might also want to delete the tables from
your old catalog.
Vincent Pelletier
Pelletier Vincent
2007-01-10 13:02:50 UTC
Post by Pelletier Vincent
I'll commit very soon a erp5_core update
Done at revision 11995.
Vincent Pelletier
Jérôme Perrin
2007-01-10 13:10:32 UTC
Post by Pelletier Vincent
If erp5_mysql still exists, it means that a business template (or you :) )
installed additionnal ZSQL Methods, so you should manually move/copy them
to the other sql catalog
You will also have to copy related keys and other catalog configuration you or
business template have made, but as far as I know, only a few business
template do this (for instance, erp5_accounting does).

I'm afraid there is now an issue with catalog method in business templates, if
you take for example erp5_accounting which adds some catalog methods, the
paths of catalog methods in the 'template_catalog_method_id' field includes
the catalog id (ie. erp5_mysql/z_delivery_related_mirror_section).
Do we already have a solution for this ? Is there a way to say "build from the
default catalog and install in the default catalog" ?

