[Erp5-dev] Problems after adding ERP5 Site
Łukasz Nowak
2007-09-19 08:51:58 UTC

I've set up fresh site using revision 16466. After adding ERP5 Site
I've got such scripts laying in activities: Folder_reindexAll, which
are giving attached traceback in log.

Is it a bug or problem in mine system?

?ukasz Nowak R&D Ventis http://www.ventis.com.pl/
tel: +48 32 768 16 85 fax: +48 32 392 10 61
``Use the Source, Luke...''
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2007-09-19 10:04:37 UTC
Post by Łukasz Nowak
I've set up fresh site using revision 16466. After adding ERP5 Site
I've got such scripts laying in activities: Folder_reindexAll, which
are giving attached traceback in log.
Look at your log, you should see an indication titled "Zope Security Policy".
Here you should be able to see which type roles is (it could not be None).
Post by Łukasz Nowak
Is it a bug or problem in mine system?
Łukasz Nowak
2007-09-20 08:17:30 UTC

On 2007-09-19, 12:04:37
Post by Brice LEROY
Post by Łukasz Nowak
I've set up fresh site using revision 16466. After adding ERP5 Site
I've got such scripts laying in activities: Folder_reindexAll, which
are giving attached traceback in log.
Look at your log, you should see an indication titled "Zope Security
Policy". Here you should be able to see which type roles is (it could
not be None).
Type of roles is <type 'Python Method'> and its repr resolves into
<bound method ExplicitAcquirerWrapper.(?) of <DTMLFile instance at

It is clean original site from revision 16488, Zope 2.7.8-final, python
2.4.4, linux2. Same problem is when I'll try to access
portal_alarms/manage_main or any tool which cannot be reindexed, but
traceback is longer (attached). Tools infected are portal_alarms,
portal_preferences, portal_simulation, portal_templates, portal_trash,
portal_domains, portal_rules, portal_deliveries, portal_orders...
Post by Brice LEROY
Post by Łukasz Nowak
Is it a bug or problem in mine system?
Is anybody able to reproduce this error?

Yes, me ;) Problem was introduced by HBTreeFolder2 product - removing
it resolved issue.

I'm sorry for trouble.

?ukasz Nowak R&D Ventis http://www.ventis.com.pl/
tel: +48 32 768 16 85 fax: +48 32 392 10 61
``Use the Source, Luke...''
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