[Erp5-dev] Misfeatures
Vera Kurpas
2008-08-11 11:21:26 UTC
Dear developers,

I'm not sure I had to write this letter, as I'm not a programmer, but
the Community member told me i should.

We use erp5_trade revision r22911. Since the last update (from r22514)
there some changes that look like bugs:
1. After creation a new Purchase Order, confirming it and jumping to
related Purchase Packing List there aren't any Purchase Packing Lines in
the list
(url: /erp5/purchase_packing_list_module/60/PurchaseOrder_view?portal_status_message=Purchase Packing List related to Purchase Order %3A PO-97.) After clicking on any tab of this Packing List and then back on View tab the Purchase Packing Lines appear.
2. There are 2 "Related Purchase Order" statements in Jump box (they are
both working).
3. Packing list workflow does not work correctly. After changing the PPL
state to Shipped (by Action "Ship") no Related Purchase Invoice Appear.
We never change Purchase Invoice Builder so it's standard. Before the
r22911 Purchase Packing Invoice created automatically from PPL.

And the last one. After changing the resource quantity in Invoice Line
of Sale Invoice (generated automatically) and then Acting "Adopt
prevision" the Resource Quantity is zeroed, new Accounting Transaction
Line is created with Credit which equals the right product quantity. I
can't say when the strange behaviour of Sale Invoice appeared.

If you need more info or don't need such reports please write to me

truly yours,
Vera Kurpas
2008-08-13 11:14:59 UTC
Hi Vera, first thank you for your report, we are always happy to get
information from our users.
Post by Vera Kurpas
Dear developers,
I'm not sure I had to write this letter, as I'm not a programmer, but
the Community member told me i should.
We use erp5_trade revision r22911. Since the last update (from r22514)
1. After creation a new Purchase Order, confirming it and jumping to
related Purchase Packing List there aren't any Purchase Packing Lines in
the list
(url: /erp5/purchase_packing_list_module/60/PurchaseOrder_view?portal_status_message=Purchase Packing List related to Purchase Order %3A PO-97.) After clicking on any tab of this Packing List and then back on View tab the Purchase Packing Lines appear.
This bug is fixed in the last version of erp5_core, please update
erp5_core business template and you should not have this problem anymore.
Post by Vera Kurpas
2. There are 2 "Related Purchase Order" statements in Jump box (they are
both working).
3. Packing list workflow does not work correctly. After changing the PPL
state to Shipped (by Action "Ship") no Related Purchase Invoice Appear.
We never change Purchase Invoice Builder so it's standard. Before the
r22911 Purchase Packing Invoice created automatically from PPL.
And the last one. After changing the resource quantity in Invoice Line
of Sale Invoice (generated automatically) and then Acting "Adopt
prevision" the Resource Quantity is zeroed, new Accounting Transaction
Line is created with Credit which equals the right product quantity. I
can't say when the strange behaviour of Sale Invoice appeared.
For this two bugs i have personally no information, but we have
registered them, and be sure
that they will be fixed asap.
Post by Vera Kurpas
If you need more info or don't need such reports please write to me
We are always happy to receive any type of report, in the future don't
hesitate to report
any problem that you would find.
Post by Vera Kurpas
truly yours,
Vera Kurpas
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
Vincent D.
