[Erp5-dev] folder problem
Tomasz Brzezina
2008-04-07 14:27:40 UTC
I made all skins in custom folder. But for BT I decided to move all
objects to brand new folder, which I call: cavemp_loyalty_card. I use
Cut/Paste ZMI function. I was so sure, that I not checked if it works
and I made BT and I try to "move" functionality to another zope
instance. During investigations (why the hell it doesn't work HERE) i
found that on my experimental instance it also not working!!! I found
that if I move files back to custom - everything works ok.

SO - how to make a correct folder or how customize existing?

Ah - error in log: Not authorized to access binding: context
Tomasz Brzezina
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Jacek Medrzycki
2008-04-08 07:20:38 UTC
Post by Tomasz Brzezina
I made all skins in custom folder. But for BT I decided to move all
objects to brand new folder, which I call: cavemp_loyalty_card. I use
Cut/Paste ZMI function. I was so sure, that I not checked if it works
and I made BT and I try to "move" functionality to another zope
instance. During investigations (why the hell it doesn't work HERE) i
found that on my experimental instance it also not working!!! I found
that if I move files back to custom - everything works ok.
After you create new skin, go to portal_skins in ZMI, go to Properties
tab and add your skin to the queues (layers): at least to the View
queue, but no harm if you add it to all queues.
The aqusition mechanism on portal_skins work this way: -it returns a
matching object (script, form etc) from the first skin in which it was
found, starting from top (so you can "overwrite" standard scripts etc.
by placing object with the same name in skin with higher precedence). If
skin is not added to the queue, it is not searched at all.
Note, that "custom" skin is always added to the top of the queues, so it
is always searched first. This is why your site worked where objects
were in custom skin.

Tomasz Brzezina
2008-04-08 10:43:52 UTC
Post by Jacek Medrzycki
Post by Tomasz Brzezina
I made all skins in custom folder. But for BT I decided to move all
objects to brand new folder, which I call: cavemp_loyalty_card. I use
Cut/Paste ZMI function. I was so sure, that I not checked if it works
and I made BT and I try to "move" functionality to another zope
instance. During investigations (why the hell it doesn't work HERE) i
found that on my experimental instance it also not working!!! I found
that if I move files back to custom - everything works ok.
After you create new skin, go to portal_skins in ZMI, go to Properties
tab and add your skin to the queues (layers): at least to the View
queue, but no harm if you add it to all queues.
The aqusition mechanism on portal_skins work this way: -it returns a
matching object (script, form etc) from the first skin in which it was
found, starting from top (so you can "overwrite" standard scripts etc.
by placing object with the same name in skin with higher precedence). If
skin is not added to the queue, it is not searched at all.
Note, that "custom" skin is always added to the top of the queues, so it
is always searched first. This is why your site worked where objects
were in custom skin.
Yes that's it. Creating new folder adds it to this queues but i rename
it from singular to plural form and there was no update.

Thank's a lot - I found this queues earlier, but not sure if this is
THAT place.
Tomasz Brzezina
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