[Erp5-dev] welcome back ;D
Tomasz Brzezina
2008-09-12 13:11:54 UTC
This is my third attempt to ERP5. Now I try to install it as pure as
possible - using howtos, wikis etc. I even install Mandriva!

But.... I can't install erp5-base.... because:

Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.

Sorry, a site error occurred.

Traceback (innermost last):

* Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 188, in publish_module_standard
* Module Products.iHotfix, line 88, in new_publish
* Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 145, in publish
* Module Zope2.App.startup, line 216, in zpublisher_exception_hook
* Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
* Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
* Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
* Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
* Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
* Module Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript, line 324, in _exec
* Module None, line 202, in Base_callDialogMethod
<PythonScript at /erp5/Base_callDialogMethod used for
Line 202
* Module AccessControl.ZopeGuards, line 341, in guarded_apply
* Module AccessControl.ZopeGuards, line 363, in builtin_guarded_apply
* Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
* Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
* Module Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript, line 324, in _exec
* Module None, line 62, in
<PythonScript at
/erp5/TemplateTool_installRepositoryBusinessTemplateList used for
Line 62
* Module Products.ERP5.Tool.TemplateTool, line 382, in download
* Module Products.ERP5.Tool.TemplateTool, line 332, in _download_local
* Module Products.ERP5.Tool.TemplateTool, line 267, in _importBT
* Module Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate, line 5163, in
* Module Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate, line 443, in
* Module Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate, line 342, in
* Module Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate, line 607, in
__traceback_info__: Importing
* Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 65, in importFile
* Module OFS.XMLExportImport, line 119, in importXML
* Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 75, in importFile
* Module transaction._transaction, line 297, in savepoint
* Module transaction._transaction, line 294, in savepoint
* Module transaction._transaction, line 657, in __init__
* Module ZODB.Connection, line 1032, in savepoint
* Module ZODB.Connection, line 470, in _commit
* Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 139, in _importDuringCommit

ImportError: No module named MailTemplates.MailTemplate (Also, the
following error occurred while attempting to render the standard error
message, please see the event log for full details: An operation
previously failed, with traceback: File
line 23, in __init__ response=response) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py&quot;, line 387, in
publish_module environ, debug, request, response) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py&quot;, line 188, in
publish_module_standard response = publish(request, module_name,
after_list, debug=debug) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/iHotfix/__init__.py&quot;, line
88, in new_publish x = Publish.zope_publish(zope_request, module_name,
after_list, debug) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py&quot;, line 114, in
publish request, bind=1) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py&quot;, line 88, in
mapply if debug is not None: return debug(object,args,context) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py&quot;, line 40, in
call_object result=apply(object,args) # Type s&lt;cr&gt; to step into
published object. File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py&quot;, line
311, in __call__ return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py&quot;, line
348, in _bindAndExec return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw) File
line 324, in _exec result = f(*args, **kw) File &quot;Script
(Python)&quot;, line 202, in Base_callDialogMethod File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/AccessControl/ZopeGuards.py&quot;, line
341, in guarded_apply return builtin_guarded_apply(func, args, kws) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/AccessControl/ZopeGuards.py&quot;, line
363, in builtin_guarded_apply return func(*arglist, **argdict) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py&quot;, line
311, in __call__ return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py&quot;, line
348, in _bindAndExec return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw) File
line 324, in _exec result = f(*args, **kw) File &quot;Script
(Python)&quot;, line 62, in
TemplateTool_installRepositoryBusinessTemplateList File
&quot;/var/lib/erp5/Products/ERP5/Tool/TemplateTool.py&quot;, line 382,
in download bt = self._download_local(name, id) File
&quot;/var/lib/erp5/Products/ERP5/Tool/TemplateTool.py&quot;, line 332,
in _download_local return self._importBT(path, bt_id) File
&quot;/var/lib/erp5/Products/ERP5/Tool/TemplateTool.py&quot;, line 267,
in _importBT bt.importFile(file=fobj) File
line 5163, in importFile getattr(self, item_name).importFile(bta) File
line 443, in importFile bta.importFiles(item=self) File
line 342, in importFiles item._importFile(file_name, file) File
line 607, in _importFile obj = connection.importFile(file_obj,
customImporters=customImporters) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZODB/ExportImport.py&quot;, line 65, in
importFile return customImporters[magic](self, f, clue) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/OFS/XMLExportImport.py&quot;, line 119,
in importXML return jar.importFile(outfile,clue) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZODB/ExportImport.py&quot;, line 75, in
importFile t.savepoint(optimistic=True) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py&quot;, line
297, in savepoint self._saveCommitishError() # reraises! File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py&quot;, line
294, in savepoint savepoint = Savepoint(self, optimistic,
*self._resources) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/transaction/_transaction.py&quot;, line
657, in __init__ savepoint = savepoint() File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py&quot;, line 1032, in
savepoint self._commit(None) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py&quot;, line 470, in
_commit self._importDuringCommit(transaction, *self._import) File
&quot;/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/ZODB/ExportImport.py&quot;, line 139, in
_importDuringCommit pickler.dump(unpickler.load()) ImportError: No
module named MailTemplates.MailTemplate )

Any ideas?

nie widzisz polskich liter? Wywal Outlook Express.
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Nicolas Delaby
2008-09-12 13:47:26 UTC
Post by Tomasz Brzezina
This is my third attempt to ERP5. Now I try to install it as pure as
possible - using howtos, wikis etc. I even install Mandriva!
Hi Tomasz,
You should install the product MailTemplates
urpmi erp5-MailTemplates with mandriva.

Nicolas Delaby
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Libre / Open Source Software
ERP5 Express: Hosted Free / Open Source ERP Software for small companies
Tomasz Brzezina
2008-09-12 14:36:34 UTC
Post by Nicolas Delaby
Post by Tomasz Brzezina
This is my third attempt to ERP5. Now I try to install it as pure as
possible - using howtos, wikis etc. I even install Mandriva!
Hi Tomasz,
You should install the product MailTemplates
urpmi erp5-MailTemplates with mandriva.
Many thanks - It works! - Is there any more product, that should be
installed (but not noticed in Wiki?)

nie widzisz polskich liter? Wywal Outlook Express.

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Nicolas Delaby
2008-09-12 14:42:33 UTC
Post by Tomasz Brzezina
Many thanks - It works! - Is there any more product, that should be
installed (but not noticed in Wiki?)
I don't think so, this Product was freshly added in our repository.
Nicolas Delaby
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Libre / Open Source Software
ERP5 Express: Hosted Free / Open Source ERP Software for small companies