[Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
Danny Admin
2008-12-27 13:09:36 UTC

Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular time? Also run a script periodically at some interval say 5 seconds ?

Thanks & Regards

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Jean-Paul Smets
2008-12-27 15:00:24 UTC

You can use alarms (portal_alarms).


Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script periodically at some interval say 5 seconds ?
Thanks & Regards
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ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
Danny Admin
2008-12-27 18:31:02 UTC

Thanks for your valuable answer.

I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.

Can you give me some material/links about how to use portal_alarm.

Some more queries:
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an activity that will run at a particular time each day?

2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and enter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and show them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?

3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image from my hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i see the logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory" at last log line. Can any one help in this regard?

4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?

Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script periodically at some interval say 5 seconds ?
Thanks & Regards
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Bartek Gorny
2008-12-28 22:16:32 UTC
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.
Can you give me some material/links about how to use portal_alarm.
You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,
but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,
set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick
the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the
context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a
working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an activity
that will run at a particular time each day?
You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.
Post by Danny Admin
2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a
search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and
enter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and show
them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?
Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.
erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have
to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the
module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.
This is pretty much it.
Post by Danny Admin
3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image from my
hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i see the
logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory" at
last log line. Can any one help in this regard?
4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?
What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then you have to
create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group
for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,
and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from
that group.

Post by Danny Admin
Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script periodically at some interval say 5 seconds ?
Thanks & Regards
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ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
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"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent
but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."
Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"
Danny Admin
2008-12-30 18:52:57 UTC

Thanks for your valuable support and time.

Can anyone also help me regarding question 3 about image upload in person module.

Also I have the following query:

I want to send email and attach a PDF report that should be generated at runtime.

Currently what I achive is that I run email successfully and generate PDF. But I want to some how attach the generated PDF document with the email.
Can anyone help me in this regard?

Warm Regards
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:16:32 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.
Can you give me some material/links about how to use portal_alarm.
You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,
but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,
set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick
the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the
context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a
working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an activity
that will run at a particular time each day?
You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.
Post by Danny Admin
2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a
search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and
enter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and show
them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?
Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.
erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have
to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the
module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.
This is pretty much it.
Post by Danny Admin
3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image from my
hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i see the
logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory" at
last log line. Can any one help in this regard?
4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?
What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then you have to
create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group
for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,
and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from
that group.
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script periodically at some interval say 5 seconds ?
Thanks & Regards
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Bartek Gorny
2008-12-30 20:05:39 UTC
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable support and time.
Can anyone also help me regarding question 3 about image upload in person module.
Please attach a complete traceback - it is hard to say what is wrong
without knowing what file is reported as missing, which line of code
throws the exception etc.

Post by Danny Admin
I want to send email and attach a PDF report that should be generated at runtime.
Currently what I achive is that I run email successfully and generate PDF.
But I want to some how attach the generated PDF document with the email.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Warm Regards
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:16:32 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.
Can you give me some material/l inks about how to use portal_alarm.
You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,
but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,
set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick
the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the
context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a
working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an activity
that will run at a particular time each day?
You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.
Post by Danny Admin
2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a
search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and
e nter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and
them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?
Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.
erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have
to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the
module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.
This is pretty much it.
Post by Danny Admin
3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image from my
hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i see the
logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory" at
last log line. Can any one help in this regard?
4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?
What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then yo u have to
create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group
for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,
and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from
that group.
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script per iodically at some interval say 5 seconds
Thanks & Regards
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Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel . +33(0)6 62 05 76 14
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ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
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"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent
but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."
Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"
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Erp5-dev at erp5.org
"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent
but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."
Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"
Danny Admin
2008-12-30 21:09:31 UTC

I am running ERP5 on a LINUX virtual machine and access it from FIRE FOX on a windows machine. When I select a png image from windows file system in Person Object --> Details Tab--- > Upload --> Browser button and then save, I got no error on UI but logtail shows some error which may helps you to find the problem. Error is attached as bmp file, please have a look on it.

Thanks and Regards
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:05:39 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable support and time.
Can anyone also help me regarding question 3 about image upload in person module.
Please attach a complete traceback - it is hard to say what is wrong
without knowing what file is reported as missing, which line of code
throws the exception etc.
Post by Danny Admin
I want to send email and attach a PDF report that should be generated at runtime.
Currently what I achive is that I run email successfully and generate PDF.
But I want to some how attach the generated PDF document with the email.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Warm Regards
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:16:32 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.
Can you give me some material/l inks about how to use portal_alarm.
You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,
but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,
set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick
the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the
context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a
working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an activity
that will run at a particular time each day?
You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.
Post by Danny Admin
2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a
search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and
e nter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and
them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?
Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.
erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have
to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the
module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.
This is pretty much it.
Post by Danny Admin
3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image from my
hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i see the
logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory" at
last log line. Can any one help in this regard?
4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?
What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then yo u have to
create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group
for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,
and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from
that group.
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script per iodically at some interval say 5 seconds
Thanks & Regards
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ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
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"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent
but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."
Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"
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Name: imageUploadProblem.bmp
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Bartek Gorny
2008-12-30 21:44:35 UTC
The missing thing seems to be the "convert" executable. Install
ImageMagick, make sure "convert" is in $PATH.

Post by Danny Admin
I am running ERP5 on a LINUX virtual machine and access it from FIRE FOX on
a windows machine. When I select a png image from windows file system in
Person Object --> Details Tab--- > Upload --> Browser button and then save,
I got no error on UI but logtail shows some error which may helps you to
find the problem. Error is attached as bmp file, please have a look on it.
Thanks and Regards
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:05:39 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable support and time.
Can anyone also help me regarding question 3 about image upload in
Please attach a complete traceback - it is hard to say what is wrong
without knowing what file is reported as missing, which line of code
throws the exception etc.
Post by Danny Admin
I want to send email and attach a PDF report that should be generated at runtime.
Currently what I achive is that I run email successfully and generate PDF.
But I want to some how attach the generated PDF document with the email.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Warm Regards
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:16:32 +0100
From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
&gt ;> > Thanks for your valuable answer.
Post by Danny Admin
Post by Danny Admin
I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any material.
Can you give me some material/l inks about how to use portal_alarm.
You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,
but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,
set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick
the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the
context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a
working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then ho w i start an
that will run at a particular time each day?
You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.
Post by Danny Admin
2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i have a
search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object and
e nter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields and
them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?
Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.
erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have
to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the
module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.
This i s pretty much it.
Post by Danny Admin
3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image
hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i
logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or
last log line. Can any one help in this regard?
4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?
What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then yo u have to
create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group
for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,
and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from
that group.
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks & Regards
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100
From: jp at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script
You can use alarms (portal_alarms).
Post by Danny Admin
Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a particular
time? Also run a script per iodically at some interval say 5 seconds
Thanks & Regards
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ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
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way beyond your inbox. More than messages
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"Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent
but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."
Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"
Danny Admin
2009-01-03 13:06:10 UTC
Thanks alot for your great help.

Warm regards
Danny> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 22:44:35 +0100> From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl> To: erp5-dev at erp5.org> Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries> > The missing thing seems to be the "convert" executable. Install> ImageMagick, make sure "convert" is in $PATH.> > Bartek> > 2008/12/30 Danny Admin <dannywork1 at hotmail.com>:> > Hi,> >> > I am running ERP5 on a LINUX virtual machine and access it from FIRE FOX on> > a windows machine. When I select a png image from windows file system in> > Person Object --> Details Tab--- > Upload --> Browser button and then save,> > I got no error on UI but logtail shows some error which may helps you to> > find the problem. Error is attached as bmp file, please have a look on it.> >> > Thanks and Regards> > Danny> >> >> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:05:39 +0100> >> From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl> >> To: erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries> >>> >> 2008/12/30 Danny Admin <dannywork1 at hotmail.com>:> >> > Hi,> >> >> >> > Thanks for your valuable support and time.> >> >> >> > Can anyone also help me regarding question 3 about image upload in> >> > person> >> > module.> >> >> >>> >> Please attach a complete traceback - it is hard to say what is wrong> >> without knowing what file is reported as missing, which line of code> >> throws the exception etc.> >>> >> B.> >>> >> > Also I have the following query:> >> >> >> > I want to send email and attach a PDF report that should be generated at> >> > runtime.> >> >> >> > Currently what I achive is that I run email successfully and generate> >> > PDF.> >> > But I want to some how attach the generated PDF document with the email.> >> > Can anyone help me in this regard?> >> >> >> > Warm Regards> >> > Danny> >> >> >> >> Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:16:32 +0100> >> >> From: bartek at gorny.edu.pl> >> >> To: erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries> >> >>> >> >> 2008/12/27 Danny Admin <dannywork1 at hotmail.com>:> >> >> > Hi,> >> >> >> >> &gt ;> > Thanks for your valuable answer.> >> >> >> >> >> > I have tried to search about portal_alarm but i did not find any> >> >> > material.> >> >> >> >> >> > Can you give me some material/l inks about how to use portal_alarm.> >> >>> >> >> You're right, it needs a how-to. I think I'll write something soon,> >> >> but generally alarms are pretty straightorward - you create an alam,> >> >> set periodicity, type in a name of the script you want to run, tick> >> >> the "active" checkbox and this is it. The script will be run in the> >> >> context of the alarm. If you install erp5_forge bt5 you'll see a> >> >> working example - this bt5 installs an "open bugs alarm".> >> >>> >> >> > Some more queries:> >> >> > -------------------> >> >> > 1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then ho w i start an> >> >> > activity> >> >> > that will run at a particular time each day?> >> >>> >> >> You can't. Portal activities serve an entirely different purpose.> >> >>> >> >> > 2. I want to make a search functionality for my module. Let say i> >> >> > have a> >> >> > search form, from which user can enter different fields of an object> >> >> > and> >> >> > e nter it, I have to search all the objects matching entered fields> >> >> > and> >> >> > show> >> >> > them in a list. Now how i can implement this functionality?> >> >>> >> >> Again, the best way is to look at a working example - e.g.> >> >> erp5_accounting has a very nice search in accounting_module. You have> >> >> to create a form for search parameters and add an action to the> >> >> module's portal type. The action category should be object_search.> >> >> This i s pretty much it.> >> >>> >> >> > 3. In Person object Details tab when i browse and select png image> >> >> > from> >> >> > my> >> >> > hard disk and save the person object, the image is not shown. When i> >> >> > see> >> >> > the> >> >> > logtail of zope it says "OSError: [Error 2] No such file or> >> >> > directory"> >> >> > at> >> >> > last log line. Can any one help in this regard?> >> >> >> >> >> > 4. How can i set an Organisation object in Default Site Preferences?> >> >>> >> >> What do you mean? If you mean accounting preferences, then yo u have to> >> >> create some categories under "group" base category and choose a group> >> >> for your organisation. Then in preferences you select a group first,> >> >> and then the organisation dropdown is filled with organisation from> >> >> that group.> >> >>> >> >> Bartek> >> >>> >> >> > Thanks & Regards> >> >> > Danny> >> >> >> >> >> >> Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:00:24 +0100> >> >> >> From: jp at nexedi.com> >> >> >> To: erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> >> Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script> >> >> >>> >> >> >> Hi,> >> >> >>> >> >> >> You can use alarms (portal_alarms).> >> >> >>> >> >> >> Regards,> >> >> >>> >> >> >> JPS.> >> >> >>> >> >> >> Danny Admin a ?crit :> >> >> >> > Hi,> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Can anyone tell me how can i schedule a script to run at a> >> >> >> > particular> >> >> >> > time? Also run a script per iodically at some interval say 5> >> >> >> > seconds> >> >> >> > ?> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Thanks & Regards> >> >> >> > Danny> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> >> >> > check out the rest of the Windows Live?. More than mail?Windows> >> >> >> > Live?> >> >> >> > goes way beyond your inbox. More than messages> >> >> >> > <http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/>> >> >> >> > -----------> >> >> >> > -------------------------------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > _______________________________________________> >> >> >> > Erp5-dev mailing list> >> >> >> > Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> >> > http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> >> --> >> >> >> Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel . +33(0)6 62 05 76 14> >> >> >> ERP5 Enterprise: Free / Open Source ERP for Critical Applications> >> >> >> http://www.erp5.com> >> >> >> ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies> >> >> >> http://www.myerp5.com> >> >> >> Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software> >> >> >> http://www.nexedi.com> >> >> >>> >> >> >> _______________________________________________> >> >> >> Erp5-dev mailing list> >> >> >> Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> >> http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> >> >> >> > ________________________________> >> >> > Get news, enter tainment and everything you care about at Live.com.> >> >> > Check> >> >> > it> >> >> > out!> >> >> > _______________________________________________> >> >> > Erp5-dev mailing list> >> >> > Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> > http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> < br>>> >> >>> >> >> --> >> >> "Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent> >> >> but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."> >> >> Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"> >> >> _______________________________________________> >> >> Erp5-dev mailing list> >> >> Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> >> http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> >> > ________________________________> >> > Get easy photo sharing with Windows Live? P hotos. Drag n' drop> >> > _______________________________________________> >> > Erp5-dev mailing list> >> > Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> > http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> >> >> >>> >>> >>> >> --> >> "Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent> >> but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."> >> Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"> >> _______________________________________________> >> Erp5-dev mailing list> >> Erp5-dev at erp5.org> >> http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> > ________________________________> > check out the rest of the Windows Live?. More than mail?Windows Live? goes> > way beyond your inbox. More than messages> > _______________________________________________> > Erp5-dev mailing list> > Erp5-dev at erp5.org> > http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev> >> >> > > > -- > "Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent> but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry."> Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"> _______________________________________________> Erp5-dev mailing list> Erp5-dev at erp5.org> http://mail.nexedi.com/mailman/listinfo/erp5-dev
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Vincent Pelletier
2008-12-29 09:27:50 UTC
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
Just one more thing about portal_alarms: it has a minute-level granularity
IIRC, so it won't fit a 5 second periodicity.
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an
activity that will run at a particular time each day?
Basically, portal_activities is designed for one-shot execution. Of course,
you can make an activity create another one, making it periodic.
You can plan an alarm for execution at a future date by providing an "at_date"
parameter to "activate" method. Ex:
context.activate(at_date=DateTime("2009-01-01 00:00:00")).doSomething()
Note that it will only give a lower bound to its possible execution, it might
execute later. That imprecision depends on activity load (how many pending
activities, ...) and timerserver tic rate (set in your zope.conf, by default
it's one tic every 5 seconds).

For your other questions, I'm afraid don't know these areas well enough to
give an answer.
Vincent Pelletier
Danny Admin
2008-12-30 18:53:34 UTC
Thanks for your valuable time and effort.

From: vincent at nexedi.com
To: erp5-dev at erp5.org
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 10:27:50 +0100
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] Scheduling a a script and some more queries
Post by Danny Admin
Thanks for your valuable answer.
Just one more thing about portal_alarms: it has a minute-level granularity
IIRC, so it won't fit a 5 second periodicity.
Post by Danny Admin
1. Can i use portal_activities for this? If yes then how i start an
activity that will run at a particular time each day?
Basically, portal_activities is designed for one-shot execution. Of course,
you can make an activity create another one, making it periodic.
You can plan an alarm for execution at a future date by providing an "at_date"
context.activate(at_date=DateTime("2009-01-01 00:00:00")).doSomething()
Note that it will only give a lower bound to its possible execution, it might
execute later. That imprecision depends on activity load (how many pending
activities, ...) and timerserver tic rate (set in your zope.conf, by default
it's one tic every 5 seconds).
For your other questions, I'm afraid don't know these areas well enough to
give an answer.
Vincent Pelletier
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
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