[Erp5-dev] some proposals of fixes to erp5_project (mostly)
Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
2008-01-24 15:22:45 UTC

These are small fixes, but since I came across them, why not update BT
with them... :)
Mostly they concern erp5_project forms in skin folder, except the first
one which is from erp5_core's sking folder

- Base_viewFieldLibrary - fixed width of multi_relation_field here (typo
on preferred width accessor)

- In TaskLine_viewFieldLibrary's quantity_unit field might as well use
delegated Items, since they use preferences instead of hardcoded
- ProjectLine_viewFieldLibrary - likewise

- TaskLine_viewFieldLibrary patch 2 - width of Requirements field fixed
(acquired from Base_viewFieldLibrary proxyfield)

- TaskReportModule_exportTaskReportListAsiCalendar - wrong selection
name used

- Since TaskLine_viewFieldLibarary's quantity_unit field changed this
one has to be changed also: TaskReport_view's quantity_unit

Well, I thinks that's all I found (for now :) )
I hope this way of posting fixes is acceptable.


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Rafael Monnerat
2008-01-25 15:14:13 UTC
I created a script to generate a html with classes, methods and
documentation strings from Documents in ERP5.

Maybe is it more usefull for begginers. I added the html result also.


cd /myinstance/Products
python /whereisfile/getdoc.py > doc.html

PS.: The names are ugly I know. :)
Post by Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
These are small fixes, but since I came across them, why not update BT
with them... :)
Mostly they concern erp5_project forms in skin folder, except the first
one which is from erp5_core's sking folder
- Base_viewFieldLibrary - fixed width of multi_relation_field here (typo
on preferred width accessor)
- In TaskLine_viewFieldLibrary's quantity_unit field might as well use
delegated Items, since they use preferences instead of hardcoded
- ProjectLine_viewFieldLibrary - likewise
- TaskLine_viewFieldLibrary patch 2 - width of Requirements field fixed
(acquired from Base_viewFieldLibrary proxyfield)
- TaskReportModule_exportTaskReportListAsiCalendar - wrong selection
name used
- Since TaskLine_viewFieldLibarary's quantity_unit field changed this
one has to be changed also: TaskReport_view's quantity_unit
Well, I thinks that's all I found (for now :) )
I hope this way of posting fixes is acceptable.
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
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Alexandre Boeglin
2008-01-25 16:27:04 UTC
Post by Rafael Monnerat
I created a script to generate a html with classes, methods and
documentation strings from Documents in ERP5.

Doesn't Base_viewInspectionReport (enabled through developer mode)
provide more or less the same functionality ?


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Jean-Paul Smets
2008-01-25 16:36:46 UTC
Post by Alexandre Boeglin
Post by Rafael Monnerat
I created a script to generate a html with classes, methods and
documentation strings from Documents in ERP5.
Doesn't Base_viewInspectionReport (enabled through developer mode)
provide more or less the same functionality ?
and erp5_documentation is currently bing developped heavily to do the
same in better way.


Post by Alexandre Boeglin
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Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes, Nexedi CEO - Tel. +33(0)6 62 05 76 14
ERP5 Enterprise: Free / Open Source ERP for Critical Applications
ERP5 Express: Hosted Open Source ERP for small companies
Nexedi: Consulting and Development of Free / Open Source Software
Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
2008-01-29 12:39:11 UTC

Just one more to follow the last pack of patches...

- Since TaskLine_viewFieldLibarary's quantity_unit field changed this
one has to be changed also: Task_viewFieldLibrary's task_line_quantity_unit
Post by Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
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Rafael Monnerat
2008-01-29 12:43:38 UTC
Hi guys,

There is someone checking these paches? and commiting or rejecting them?
Post by Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
Just one more to follow the last pack of patches...
- Since TaskLine_viewFieldLibarary's quantity_unit field changed this
one has to be changed also: Task_viewFieldLibrary's task_line_quantity_unit
Post by Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
Erp5-dev mailing list
Erp5-dev at erp5.org
Mikolaj Antoszkiewicz
2008-01-29 16:03:22 UTC

Well I'm quite certain that this is the last one... :)

task_workflow -> scripts -> Order_validateData - introduced translation
of the error messages.

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