[Erp5-dev] projects using Simulation
Sebastien Robin
2011-11-02 17:04:46 UTC

For all projects using the "simulation" world of ERP5, some special
attention will be needed. You can find a description of what
"simulation" is here :


Before 2010, we started to have some weakness in our simulation design
when we wanted to handle complex cases of business. We were using
simulation since several years and we cumulated several ideas for
improving it. Therefore we improved a lot the design of all the
simulation code. In order to keep freedom in the new design, we had no
other choice to break the compatibility with previous version of
simulation and data.

Up to now, it is still possible to use old simulation design and data
thanks to ERP5Legacy product and to erp5_simulation_legacy business
template. We still have unit test checking that old simulation is still

But around May 2012, we will stop maintenance of ERP5Legacy product and
erp5_simulation_legacy business template since all our projects will use
new simulation at that time and we can not keep oldest code forever.

We already had several projects who were able to successfully move from
old simulation to new one with some migration scripts. Here how we
managed to do it :
1 - first write test checking that the project can runs well with latest
simulation (erp5_simulation bt).
2 - check how different are simulation trees between old and new simulation.
3 - write migration scripts to transform old trees to new trees

We are going to commit this November in erp5 repository
(http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/erp5.git) an example of migration for
Tasks/Tasks Reports. Then it is possible to reuse same algorithm to
migrate other tress (with some adaptation depending on your project).

If anyone needs the legacy code for more time and is ready to help for
maintenance, that's also fine even though it is much nicer to move to
new simulation.


