[Erp5-dev] livecd speculations
Ray Lance
2005-01-29 02:21:15 UTC
Unfortunately the same results. That is, nousb doesn't let the old
P2 machine continue after "finding loop image", and neither erp5_root
nor erp5_user works as a password.
Oh, i just tried to install Mdk10.1 on the old machine, and it got a
kernel panic after failing to initialize the driver for the FX240S
CD! I will look for another CD in my junkheap ...
The password problem seems like a hardware problem for me. Strange
things can happen when CPU or memory is partially broken.

Ok, I swapped in a CD that works and the old machine got to the same place as the other, that is: unable to login to the KDE.

Then I got to thinking, the point of putting the fs.image on the harddisk would be to have it writable? Well, if it's a properly installed WinNT or WinXP it will be running NTFS. I'd be glad to know of a freely available driver which will write NTFS. Suspecting that to be the problem, I installed Mdk10.1 on the old machine, and the erp5cd directory, rebooted from the erp5livecd and of course it logs in by itself like it should and works (because it can write to ext3).

Then I tried the 'format hard disk' option -- it seemed to do stuff for a while, then stopped, so I rebooted without the cd hoping the cd would have installed itself on the harddisk so as to run faster. But no, the hard disk is apparently untouched, rebooting into my Mdk10.1 install.

Please correct my incorrect conclusions and expectations?

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