[Erp5-dev] proplem creating accounting transaction lines
2007-06-07 07:20:23 UTC
Hello, i am trying to use erp5 with erp5 livecd.I am upgraded with all
the bt5 necessary to utilize erp5_accounting.
i am installed
erp5_accounting_ui_test too.
After having created predicates, in
portal_rules/default_invoice_transaction_rule, according to erp5
handbook ,when i confirm sale invoice no transaction lines are created,
and in simulation_movement appear only the applied rule
"default_invoinice_transaction_rule without movement.
I need help
please no error log appear.
erp5 handbook tell "Do not forget to fill
Source and Destination views with proper accounts" how ? in the
organisations i am insert the proper region.
thank's for answer
Antonello ventre
