[Erp5-dev] New Form Template
Rafael Monnerat
2007-10-09 04:19:17 UTC
I commited a new Form Template at erp5_xhtml_style (r16889). It was
required a new form template for planning box that basically:

- should not actions in show tabs because planning box is used for
Modules also.
- should have save button as usual forms, because with planning box, it
possible to edit the objects showed in blocs.

This new Form Template was created by Romain and I'm considering (for
commit it) that form_view and form_dialog was not created for these
propose or use.

I added an screenshot using form_report.

So, if there is something wrong about this new form template, please let
me know. I (and Romain also) didn't find a better name for this (
form_report ) if someone has an suggestion, please let me know too.


Rafael Monnerat
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