[Erp5-dev] [Erp5-report] r18757 - /erp5/trunk/utils/oood/oood.conf
Pelletier Vincent
2008-01-17 18:14:20 UTC
Log: provide realistic path by default.
Thank you very much, again :) .

I see from your diff that the path was aready more realistic compared to the
one I found in my version, which was a bare "/program"... Probably the RPM
was not completely up to date.

Also, Yet Another Bug Report: oood seems to keep std[in|out|err] opened when
started the "regular" way: /etc/init.d/oood - at least in my version.
This prevents ssh from returning untill ^C-ed (and on some terminals like a
screen in putty or cygwin's xterm, they must be killed even more

Again, if you have time to spend on this... :)
Vincent Pelletier