[Erp5-dev] TimerService and many log entries
Łukasz Nowak
2006-07-11 12:03:25 UTC

I've created log file to catch all errors (level all). Right now after
every TimeService tick I've got such entry:

BLATHER(-100) VerboseSecurity Unauthorized: Your user account does not
have the required permission. Access to 'process_timer' of (bound
method TimerService.process_timer of (TimerService
at /Control_Panel/timer_service)), acquired through (TimerService
at /Control_Panel/timer_service), denied. Your user account, Anonymous
User, exists at /acl_users. Access requires one of the following roles:
['Manager']. Your roles in this context are ['Anonymous'].

I know, that I can avoid this message by raising log level, but while
playing with ERP5 I have to be informed about any problems.

Is it possibile to stop this log message? I was looking though sources,
but I do not know, where's the problem. Well, I could assing role
'Manager' to Anonymous user, but this wouldn't be solution ;)

?ukasz Nowak R&D Ventis http://www.ventis.com.pl/
tel: +48 32 392 10 60 int 37 fax: +48 32 392 10 61