[Erp5-dev] New release (5.4.7) is comming
Rafael Monnerat
2011-02-04 19:23:22 UTC

I would like to announce that I'm starting to prepare a new erp5 release

This release will introduce some significant replacements:

- Zope 2.12 replace zope 2.8
- Mariadb replace MySQL for Indexation
- LibreOffice replace OpenOffice for Office Conversions (To be Confirmed)
- CloudOOo replace oood as a Conversion Service
- ERP5 Products will be distributed as eggs (Under test)

The buildout now includes all softwares which can be used or related to
a ERP5 implementation like:

- For web: apache, haproxy and varnish
- Full-text engines: Groonga and sphinx
- Caching: kumofs, memcached and flare

Everything can be compiled by the buildout and ERP5 is going to be more
and more distribution independent. And for those who only want a
"minimal" ERP5 release and use distribution native packages, this will
also be possible with specific buildout profiles.

There will also be new features to improve ERP5 user experience:

- ERP5 Configurator: default ERP5 configuration used by "One Student
- SphinxSE Engine integration: for high performance full text indexing
- JQuery Support: for improve user experience
- UNG Docs: providing Spreadsheets, SVG and calendar to ERP5.

I'm also very happy this release includes significant contributions from

- Russian Translation (Boris).
- Experimental Audio and Video support (Gabriel Lima, IFF)
- Luxembourg Accounting plan
- CloudOOo from IFF students (Gabriel Monnerat when he work at IFF)

Moreover, OSOE Documentation (http://www.osoe-project.org/lesson) and
user documentation (http://www.erp5.com/documentation/user) should now
be available in portuguese thanks to ERP5 BR community.

Any help to fix unit test suite is welcome.

Rafael Monnerat
