[Erp5-dev] CMFActivity deadlock removal
Pelletier Vincent
2007-03-28 10:57:32 UTC

I recently identified a deadlock in CMFActivity which is caused by MySQL

It is fixed as of revision 13742 and requires an update of
ERP5/Tools/IdTool.py which in turn requires an update of
erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog. It also requires a re-creation of activity tables
(portal_activities/manageAdvanced -> Clear activities) to be fully effective.
All the re-creation changes is removal of the AUTO_INCREMENT behaviour of uid
column on "message" table.

So update should be done as follows:

- first grab latest version of erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog
- install it (If you don't have any version of erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog
installed, then follow an earlier mail I sent which describes the update path
to install it)
- stop the zope instance (because updating CMFActivity product has immediate
impact in the ZODB through external skin folder)
- update CMFActivity and ERP5/Tools/IdTools.py
- start zope
- recreate activity tables (as explained above)

For extra safety, you might want to prevent new activities from being
generated during the update ad wait for all activities to be processed before
stoping the zope. But this is not required.
Vincent Pelletier