[Erp5-dev] cherry-pick request: EmailReader compatability with various ImapServers is improved
Boris Kocherov
2013-09-01 20:40:35 UTC

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Arnaud Fontaine
2013-09-11 06:47:31 UTC

Really sorry for the late reply.
Post by Boris Kocherov
Thank you very much for this patch. I have applied this patch to my
branch ('arnau'). To be honest, I don't know so much about IMAP nor
erp5_email_reader, so before merging it I have some questions:

* Where is '/' used as a delimiter instead of '.'? (out of curiosity as
I have never seen that yet)

* Why 'ALL' instead of '( ALL )'?

* Another change done in this commit is about handling multiple flags?


Arnaud Fontaine
Boris Kocherov
2013-09-11 08:29:49 UTC
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
Thank you very much for this patch. I have applied this patch to my
branch ('arnau'). To be honest, I don't know so much about IMAP nor
* Where is '/' used as a delimiter instead of '.'? (out of curiosity as
I have never seen that yet)
and "very rarely used" imap.gmail.com
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
* Why 'ALL' instead of '( ALL )'?
gmail.com does not support '( ALL )'.
Dovecot server support both variants.
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
* Another change done in this commit is about handling multiple flags?
Does not. It can be needed for future.

IMAP implementation have another not important issue:
Multilingual charachters are not correctly displayed in folders names.

Best regards,
Boris Kocherov

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Arnaud Fontaine
2013-09-11 09:15:06 UTC
Post by Boris Kocherov
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
Thank you very much for this patch. I have applied this patch to my
branch ('arnau'). To be honest, I don't know so much about IMAP nor
* Where is '/' used as a delimiter instead of '.'? (out of curiosity as
I have never seen that yet)
and "very rarely used" imap.gmail.com
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
* Why 'ALL' instead of '( ALL )'?
gmail.com does not support '( ALL )'.
Dovecot server support both variants.
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
* Another change done in this commit is about handling multiple flags?
Does not. It can be needed for future.
Multilingual charachters are not correctly displayed in folders names.
Thanks for your reply. Would it be ok if I change the commit message
based on your reply (it will be merged anyhow):

EmailReader compatibility with various ImapServers is improved.

* imap.mail.ru and imap.gmail.com (very rarely) use '/' as a delimiter.
* gmail.com does not support '( ALL )', use 'ALL' instead.
* Handle multiple flags.

Arnaud Fontaine
Boris Kocherov
2013-09-11 09:52:25 UTC
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
Thanks for your reply. Would it be ok if I change the commit message
EmailReader compatibility with various ImapServers is improved.
* imap.mail.ru and imap.gmail.com (very rarely) use '/' as a delimiter.
* gmail.com does not support '( ALL )', use 'ALL' instead.
* Handle multiple flags.
and "very rarely used" imap.gmail.com - it was just a joke that gmail.com is
rarely used. NO preposition 'BY' in the previous sentence, so your phrase
"imap.mail.ru and imap.gmail.com (very rarely) use '/' as a delimiter" isn't
correct. Many free famous imap services use '/' as a delimiter, gmail.com
and mail.ru - among this services.

my version message:

EmailReader compatibility with various ImapServers is improved.

* imap.mail.ru and imap.gmail.com use '/' as a delimiter.
* gmail.com does not support '( ALL )', use 'ALL' instead.
* parse multiple flags.

PS. no more ironic jokes

Best regards,
Boris Kocherov
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Arnaud Fontaine
2013-09-12 01:51:01 UTC
Post by Arnaud Fontaine
EmailReader compatibility with various ImapServers is improved.
* imap.mail.ru and imap.gmail.com use '/' as a delimiter.
* gmail.com does not support '( ALL )', use 'ALL' instead.
* parse multiple flags.
Thanks, merged and pushed to master.

Arnaud Fontaine