[Erp5-dev] 5.4.6 release comments Re: [Erp5-report] ERP5 r35629 : 3548 Tests, 0 Errors, 16 Failures, 44 Skips
Łukasz Nowak
2010-05-26 11:47:37 UTC

Please see inline comments about test failures.
Test Suite: ERP5
Revision: 35629
Result: FAIL
All tests: 3548
Failures: 16
Errors: 0
Skips: 44
testBusinessTemplate (1 failures, 2 skips)
test_167_InstanceAndRelatedClassDefinedInSameBT (testBusinessTemplate.TestBusinessTemplate)
Added in 32704 by Julien. Is there ongoing work to fix it or we should
ignore this for 5.4.6 release?
testDms (1 failures)
test_PDFDocument_asTextConversion (testDms.TestDocument), Test a PDF document with embedded images
testDmsWithFlare (1 failures)
test_PDFDocument_asTextConversion (testDmsWithFlare.TestDocumentWithFlare), Test a PDF document with embedded images
testERP5DocumentSyncML (1 failures)
test_06_UpdateMultiData (testERP5DocumentSyncML.TestERP5DocumentSyncML)
Nicolas - are you working on above issues?
testERP5Simulation (2 failures, 5 skips)
test_09_InvoiceChangeStartDateFail (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)
test_18_compareInvoiceAndPackingList (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)
Kazuhiko - are above relevant for 5.4.6?
testFormPrintoutAsODT (1 failures, 1 skips)
test_02_Table_07_CellFormat (testFormPrintoutAsODT.TestFormPrintoutAsODT), 7. Normal case: make sure that it is enable to use ODF cell format setting in FormPrintout
testICal (1 failures)
test_01_renderEvent (testICal.TestICal)
Timezone issue.
testInvalidationBug (1 failures)
testCommitOrder (testInvalidationBug.TestInvalidationBug), Check order of resources being committed
Julien - shall we wait for this with 5.4.6 releasE?
testKMGadget (1 failures)
test_11AssignedMembersGadget (testKMGadget.TestGadgets), Check Assigned Members Gadgets
Ivan - what is the status of this issue?
testLegacyPackingList (1 failures)
test_05d_SimulationChangeResourceOnOneSimulationMovementForMergedLine (testLegacyPackingList.TestPurchasePackingList)
Seems like random failure. Can someone confirm this?
testOpenOrder (3 failures)
testBuildingSaleOrder (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
testOpenOrderRule (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
testPeriodicityDateList (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
AFAIK Open Orders are still in experimental state, can we mark those
tests with expected failure?
testSerializeForm (1 failures)
test checking if the field values are of the proper type.
testTemplate (1 failures)
test_manyTemplatesWithoutReindexation (testTemplate.TestTemplate), Check what happen when templates are created one by one without reindexation
This is my test, I've been contacted by Nicolas Dumazet. Nicolas - are
you going to work on it in upcoming release?
testBase (3 skips)
test_NonIndexable (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 in the same transaction of newContent(). ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
test_NonIndexable2 (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we call edit() and set isIndexable=0 after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
test_NonIndexable3 (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 and call edit() after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
testBusinessTemplate (2 skips)
testCMFActivity (1 skips)
testERP5Base (1 skips)
testERP5Catalog (3 skips)
test_49_IndexInOrderedSearchFolder (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
test_SubDocumentsWithAcquireLocalRoleSecurityIndexing (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
test_sortOnRelatedKeyWithUnsetRelation (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
testERP5Interfaces (13 skips)
testERP5Simulation (5 skips)
testERP5TypeInterfaces (1 skips)
testFormPrintoutAsODT (1 skips)
test_09_FieldReplacementWithValidation (testFormPrintoutAsODT.TestFormPrintoutAsODT) ... skipped 'Disable validation because OOo does not produce compliant xml, and RelaxNG status is still draft'
testMRP (4 skips)
test_TransformationRule_expand_concurrent (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
test_TransformationRule_expand_reexpand (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
test_TransformationRule_getHeadProductionPathList (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
test_TransformationSourcingRule_expand (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
testProxyField (1 skips)
testSQLCachedWorklist (1 skips)
test_02_related_key (testSQLCachedWorklist.TestSQLCachedWorklist) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
testSelectionTool (7 skips)
skipped 'Test to be written'
testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
skipped 'Test to be written'
testDeleteGlobalSelection (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'To be decided if implementation is required'
testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
testTranslation (1 skips)
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