[Erp5-dev] multi-relation editor
Bartek Gorny
2008-07-28 12:04:36 UTC
- does not replace existing fields (which many user love or are used to)
Well, many people (myself included) love Vi - but I can't imagine even
trying to teach my wife how to use it :)
Also, you should consider the following constraints about AJAX tools.
- what if the user is asked to select 3 items out of 10,000,000 ?
- is the widget compatible with network latency of 1,000 ms ?
Usually, most interactive widgets are nice when they are used with
little data on a local network and become unusable as soon as network
latency and data size increase.
Some of them, perhaps. But look at Gmail, and other Google apps - they
have to handle gazillions of records, but still they offer a nice AJAX
interface. And, IMO, whether we like it or not, they are setting
industry standards for web applications.

Anyway, what is really your answer, because I'm a bit confused. Do you
mean that current solution is perfect and will not be altered? Or that
AJAX is a generally a bad idea for ERP5? Or something else?

One customer of ours chose ERP5 rather than interactive tools as the one
you describe because those tools failed on their VPN with millions of
records, although it was wonderful at first.
I found out that Django's "admin" tool has a wonderful tool for editing
many-to-many relations (see attached screenshot). It is fully JS-driven,
does pretty much the same as our MultiRelationStringField, but has a
- much more intuitive, therefore faster to learn
- works much faster (meaning: instantly)
- less server load, since all operations are done locally in browser
Maybe it would be worth considering to use this, or similar, tool in ERP5?
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